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My Very First Blog Post

Hi PowerBeads Family!

It has been almost nine years since I started on my PowerBeads journey. During these years, I have learned that one of the most important virtues in my business and in my personal life is to listen. Seems easy right to just stop and listen? Sometimes it is not. I have seven children that play pretty much every sport except sumo wrestling (please do not tell Tucker that this is an option), a growing business, an amazing husband, incredible friends and family, and sometimes even a little time for myself. With all of the scheduling and planning of everyday life, the hurry of it all can be distracting from being present in the now. The phone dinging, the dog barking, the alarm awakening, and day goes on and on. When I get overwhelmed, I usually put myself in a time out. I grab a cup of coffee and quiet myself. It is amazing how therapeutic just a little bit of quiet time can be. It always brings me back to what is really important and the blessings that I have been gifted.

People ask me weekly how PowerBeads has grown so fast. I usually explain, at the risk of sounding like a total nut, that I just listen to where I am being lead. I listen deeply through prayer, meditation, and the stories that so many of you have entrusted with me. The calls that come from across the country about a much needed prayer, an inspiration to push through a challenge, or support during a hard time give me the motivation to grow this passion of mine, PowerBeads by jen. I ask through prayer to help me listen not only to you but to Him. Where does He want me to go? What does He want me to do? I am shown daily these answers but only when I quiet myself to listen.

First, thank you for listening to me. Second, I encourage you to take a little time out of your own to truly listen and feel His Love. Know that we are always here for an ear to bend as well!



P.S. I am excited to be able to share my ideas, stories and faith with you. My hope is to be able to do this monthly. Please let us know if there is a topic that you would specifically enjoy! 

1 comment

  • Hi Jen,
    As a widow, mom (my child MY WORLD) founder of my charity and entrepreneur (all I do in memory of my beloved husband died a hero I am excited to learn of your faith based jewelry —my faith has sustained me thru horrific tragedy, loss, sickness and ongoing quest for justice for my husband . A customer of mine found your beautiful jewelry at the Jersey shore and recommended we carry it!
    I am in awe of your jewelry and hope to be approved to connect with you and offer your jewelry at Lucy’s Gift! I think it is so special that you also found a way to turn hardship into a way to help others. I wish you the best always!
    Marisa Spagnoletti

    Marisa Spagnoletti

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